"The earth is the LORD's, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it." Psalm 24:1
Good Shepherd Church believes in being a good steward of finances. As a member in good standing, we provide an annual apportionment (5%) to the 4Cs nationally. Though our budget reflects 5% apportionment to Missions, in actuality our congregation has a generous heart towards Missions, and consistently exceeds this percentage, to somewhere between 12 and 18 % year over year to Missions. Good Shepherd Church currently carries no debt, i.e. mortgage on the building or loans, and has a small account for future capital needs (church repairs etc.), though our budget remains small and tight. The largest portion of our current annual budget is the cost of staffing, as our small congregation supports two full-time pastors and one part-time office administrator. Please feel free to contact our Treasurer if you desire more information; we seek to be transparent. Good Shepherd Church is a member in good standing of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (https://www.cccc.org/), as is our national organization (4Cs). We are registered under the Government of Canada Registered Charities Act; you can find our charitable number and past year's revenue and expenses here. This is a matter of public record.
Donations: Good Shepherd Church has the ability to process cheques and credit cards. Cheques can be sent to 3621 Lawrencetown Road, Lawrencetown NS B2Z 1P9. Credit cards can be emailed to our office ([email protected]), or you can telephone the credit card information to the office, (902) 435-9262. Office hours are 8am to 1pm Monday to Thursday. We also have a way for you to e-transfer your offering: please send all e-transfers to [email protected] (email the office for the password).